COM: Appendix 14 – Report by Mentor Si necesita este formulario en español, seleccione la bandera española en la parte superior de la página y la página se traducirá al español.Name of Candidate: *1. How often did you meet with the candidate during the past year? *1a. Were meetings held in person or as virtual meetings or both? *2. What do you see as the candidate’s gifts/graces for ordained or commissioned ministry? What would make them a strong minister? *3. What are the candidate’s challenges, road blocks, “growing edges” in ministry? *4. How is the candidate growing spiritually? *5. What concerns do you have regarding this person’s potential to be a faithful and effective Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) minister? Where can they improve their potential for ministry? *6. Do you have any concerns about this person’s ethics or personal fitness for ministry? (If you have concerns, please explain confidentially in the section below.) *YESNOIf you answered "YES" to question #6, please share your concerns here. Your Name: *Date: *Street Address *State *Zip *Phone: *Email: *Address: (Street, City, State, Zip) NameSubmit