welcome to the florida disciples of christ

a movement for wholeness

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We Are Disciples!

Regional Ministries are all about connections. We connect congregations and pastors
to each other, to the wider church, and to resources they need
to make a difference in their communities.
Hurricane Milton: Natural Disaster Resources

Dear Florida Disciples Family, with Hurricane Milton on the way, please know that your wider church family is standing ready to help. We invite your prayers particularly for our congregations and people along the gulf coast from Fort Myers to Tampa/Clearwater, but this storm will cross the state and most of our congregations will feel the impact at some level. Please keep in touch and reach out if needed.

Let us pray together: God of grace, in the midst of life's storms, whatever they may look like, we give thanks that you are present in our midst. As this storm approaches, we pray for safety and resilience, for shelter and for strength. Protect those who are in harm's way and remind us of your presence in each moment. And when the storm passes, help us be instruments of your grace to one another. Help us care for our neighbors and for the least of these among us. In the days ahead, may you continue to walk alongside us as we comfort each other and assist in the clean up. We are trusting in your grace....always, and all ways.

Congregational Ministers/Leaders: CLICK HERE for a list of resources for natural disasters offered by the region and the wider church.

A Sacred Space
The Retreat
Learn more about the Florida Disciples' Retreat Center, with butterfly gardens and unique gathering spaces. Perfect for church and business retreats.
FL Disciples Regional Church Information

Read about everything happening in the region with our eGlimpse bulletin. CLICK HERE for past eGlimpse newsletters.

eGlimpse Sign-Up:
 Clergy  or General Audience

Download our Prayer Calendar, 2024 Region/Retreat Calendar and find a guest speaker with our Supply Preacher list

Small Church Conference
CLICK HERE for the Takeaway Took Box. 

Thank you for those that were about to join us for the first Small Church Conference, October 4-5, 2024. If you were unable to join us this year please feel free to view the information handed out and presented at the event.
What's Happening
Check out all the events in the Florida Region. Visit your friends and make some new ones!

Download the Regional and Retreat calendar here.

About Disciples
Who We Are

We are affiliated internationally with The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) with approximately 800,000 members in the United States and Canada.

Florida Disciples Regional Church: A “Community of Communities”

Florida Disciples Regional Church is a covenantal community of communities. Our 70+ congregations are Hispanic, Haitian, African-American, and Anglo throughout the state of Florida. Among our congregations you will find progressive and conservative beliefs, traditional and contemporary worship, and a wide range of ages, experiences and cultures. As Disciples, we believe that all are welcome at Christ’s table and we value our diversity even as we celebrate our unity.

We are congregationally governed yet voluntarily connectional . While each local congregation decides what its life and ministries will be like, we still gather voluntarily as a connected church because we know that Christian mission is more than local and that we can do more together than any one congregation can do on its own.

We emphasize lay leadership and ministry as well as an educated clergy. Disciples set educational and professional standards for ministers, and through denominational oversight we expect our clergy to follow a code of ethics.

Filled With Love
The Florida Region Invites You To

Find a Congregation Near You

Let us know how we can help you connect with a congregation in your neighborhood.
Click to Search!

We are a diverse collection of spiritual people who share a common love of Jesus.

01. What's Your Style?

Whether you like traditional worship, something contemporary, online, or a little of each, we have congregations offering an eclectic array of worship services, book studies, prayer and meditation groups, local service opportunities, and more!

02. We Love to Serve

Jesus is our example and Disciples of Christ do their best to live lives, like his, of compassion and understanding. We also heed Jesus' command to build a gentler, more accepting society. The Florida region serves Haitian, Hispanic, African-American and Anglo communities throughout Florida.

03. We're Not Too Pushy

We don’t pretend to have all the answers when it comes to matters of faith. In fact, we welcome the questions and believe that we are all called to interpret scriptures for ourselves within the community of believers. We believe in unity, not uniformity so within any congregation you will find a diversity of beliefs. And we think that’s a good thing! Whether you are a believer, a doubter, or a seeker, there is a place for you within a Disciples congregation.

Find a Congregation

Meet Our Friendly Staff

Nobody works harder than our Florida leadership. Okay, maybe some people work harder. Oh let's face it, in the scheme of things, probably thousands of people work harder. But these people here work very, very hard for the Region and deserve Kudos. I mean, not brain surgery kudos, right? Because there are levels, aren't there?
Anyway, kudos to all of our regional staff!

Regional Minister
Sandy Messick
Regional Support Pastor - Haitian Ministry
Merline Pierre
Director of The Retreat at Silver Springs
Mary Beth Harper
Administrative Assistant
Brenda Turrentine
Regional Support Pastor - Hispanic Ministry
Selena Reyes Martinez
Digital Administrator
Tina Christian
Technology Consultant
Michael Junkroski