Did You Know That Our Region Has A YAF? We Do! You Can Find Us On Our YAFChat Facebook Page!
YAFChat began with a group of young adults who strongly desire to remain connected beyond their camp years. Life can be hard, but it also has many joys and so YAFChat was designed to be a safe, comfortable and family-friendly environment for adults ages 18 and up to come together and support each other through the ups and downs life can bring. YAFChat is for singles, married couples, people with children—you name it!
The group stays connected through their Facebook page and through a phone app called “Band.” They meet once a month on a Saturday to share in a time of devotion and prayer, food and conversation before heading off to enjoy a family-friendly activity together.
The location of the gatherings varies throughout the state to accommodate our region’s large landscape. As young adults, we recognize that we are busy people and not everyone can attend each month –that’s OK! Come to the ones you can, and know that you’ll be missed at the ones you cannot. To date, we have met in Daytona Beach, Lakeland, Orlando at Disney Springs, DeLand, and The Retreat at Silver Springs!

Why does our Region need a Young Adult Fellowship?
“As a young adult, I realized that something was lacking in my life. I need to be with people who are going through similar life experiences while sharing some of the same core faith values. I can easily find someone who is going through life’s ups and downs, but what is harder to find is a group of people that I can openly share with and know that I will not be judged, but that I will be supported and cared for by people who also believe that their faith is an important part of their lives, too.” Jacqueline Curtice, YAFChat developer.

Walking Gently
Our latest YAF project is working with Disciples Home Missions to help make The Retreat at Silver Springs Green Chalice Certified. In the meantime, we are making changes in our personal lives and as a group to reduce our own carbon footprint. Simple changes like using a reusable water bottle, intensive recycling, carrying silverware instead of using plastic, and using a metal straw instead of plastic helps to reduce pollution.
According to the DHM website:
"The purpose of the Green Chalice Program is to encourage and assist local congregations/DOC Offices and Assemblies who wish to live out their faith by caring for creation. This program is designed to recognize congregations for being good stewards of God’s creation. It also aims to empower congregations/assemblies with ideas and resources to enable them to walk gently on the earth." Learn More!
We have a Regional Young Adult Commission!
The Young Adult Commission represents Disciples young adults across the life of the church. We strive to build effective communication networks, offer awareness for advocacy opportunities, and encourage congregations to prepare young adults to lead our church.
If you are between the ages of 18 and 33 and are interested in connecting and empowering Young Adults to engage in the ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), you can fill out a PDF application or a Word application to serve on the Young Adult Commission. The next term of service begins now through December of 2019. Go here to see the expectations for those who serve on the committee. Come serve with us!
See their website here, click the icons below for Facebook and Email.