Takeaway Tool Bag


Keynote Speaker: Rev. Dr. Olivia Updegrove
Celebrating the small church and its big faithful ministry impacts! Discuss the ability for small churches to live into intergenerational realities give young people the best chance of being faithful adults!

Workshop Handout

Identifying Our Passions and Resources:
Rev. Sandy Messick

Every congregation has gifts and passions and operates out of a sense of core values. This session will introduce tools for identifying those gifts and naming the core values that make your congregation unique.

Resources Handout
Embracing the Theology of Small Article
Workshop PowerPoint Slides PDF

Putting It Together: Evangelism and Outreach:
Rev. Dr. Patreza Newton
This workshop will explore different forms of evangelism and outreach strategies that can assist small churches in reaching those within their communities. 

Workshop PowerPoint Slides PDF
Outreach Ideas PDF

Technology on a Shoestring: Rev. Michael JunkroskiThe “Tech on a Shoestring” forum invites everyone gathered to share their experiences with and questions about technology, from church management software to streaming services, royalty-free music, lighting, marketing, and anything the gathered group is curious about. We’ll explore some different types of technology available and when, where, and why we might use them. Throughout our discussion, we will consider how the tech we use serves God’s love and our particular ministry setting. 

Workshop PowerPoint Slides PDF

Getting to Know Your Neighbors: Rev. Dr. Jose Martinez 
This workshop explores cultural micro-trends shaping Spirituality in the US today. Participants will learn practical approaches to engaging their neighbors and communities where they are spiritually, creating deeper connections and fostering understanding in a rapidly changing world. This session will equip you with insights and strategies to meet people where they are on their journey.

Workshop PowerPoint Slides PDF

Available Videos from the Conference

We apologize regret that not all videos are available. The opening Keynote speaker and Technology on a Shoestring videos are not available. The other sessions are below as identified. 

Opening and Identifying our Passions and Resources - Part 1 of 2
Identifying or Passions and Resources - Part 2 of 2 
Getting to Know
Your Neighbors