Regional Assembly


Post Assembly Survey: Thank you for attending the Florida Disciples Regional Assembly, May 2-4 in Davie, FL. We welcome your feedback. Please select to either fill out a brief online survey or download a PDF version and return to the regional office.

Online Survey
PDF Download
Regional Assembly Recap: Over 150 individuals in attendance, 7 workshops, 2 worship services, 36+ congregations represented and hundreds of meals served. 14 Organizational Displays that included: 2 Disciples Seminaries, 5 General Church Ministries, 6 Florida Ministries and 1 local business.

Special Thank You to our host congregation: Parkway Christian Church of Davie, Florida

RA Workshop 2:  Rev. Gregg Kaufman:  "Deliberative Dialogue: A New Way of Talking Across Differences." – Description: Deliberative dialogue can be considered as a form of discernment where the faithful address issues of common concern in small groups. Contrasted to didactic instruction or listening to sermons or lectures, and with the guidance of a passionately impartial moderator, people express their thoughts and respectfully listen to one another to understand differences of opinion. Deliberation is “choice work” where participants endeavor to identify areas of agreement or common ground in order to move forward. 

DOWNLOAD  the  PowerPoint Presentation